Regio wandeling: De Benenwageningers

Goede buik goede bui!

De mogelijke invloed van bacteriën in de buik op psychologie en psychiatrie is fascinerend. Daarom willen we graag meer onderzoek over onze buik en buien.

Available activities:

  • Wandel mee met de Buikloop
  • Ren mee met de Buikrun


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A healthy digestive system is vital. It can be your best friend, or your worst enemy. Your digestive system can give you strength and energy, but it can also hinder you, make you housebound, or even kill you. The Stomach Liver Bowel Foundation (Maag Lever Darm Stichting) supports over two million people with digestive diseases, by funding research and providing information. Together, we fight for a healthy digestive system for everyone.